Saturday 18 July 2020

Watermelon May Effectively Hydrate, Detoxify, And Cleanse The Entire Body

Watermelon May Effectively Hydrate, Detoxify, And Cleanse The Entire Body
If you were going to pick a fruit to signify summer, it would probably be watermelon. The delicious red fruit is known for its sweetness, stickiness, and water-filled consistency. Interestingly, this is a bit of a hybrid food. It is technically a berry with a rind, making it a fruit. However, it grows the way vegetables do, and is related to the cucumber. Additionally, in Asian countries, the rind is cooked in the same manner vegetables are.

However, what may also surprise you is that watermelon is really healthy for you, with the ability to help your body. It’s time to look at what this underrated fruit can do for you! (1)

Watermelon Detoxification

Detoxing flushes those negative toxins from your body, leaving you healthy and well–and watermelon is great for that.
The Detox Diet

Elson Haas, M.D., is the author of The Detox Diet, so if you’re looking for information on how to successfully detoxify your body, he’s the expert. He recommends fruit juices as a great way to fill your body with the nutrients it needs. Watermelon is one of those fruits; in fact, watermelon is packed full of goodies such as potassium and A&B vitamins. (2)
Antioxidants And Amino Acids

Angela Lemond is a nutritionist, as well as the spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She says foods, such as watermelon, which are  “high in antioxidants and amino acids allow your body to function optimally.” Each slice of watermelon contains 1 percent to 3 percent of your daily needed intake of a variety of amino acids. “Amino acids are the basic building block for protein,” says Lemond. “Protein is used in virtually every vital function in the body.”  (3, 4)
Watermelon In The Liver

According to LiveStrong, watermelon can help to purify your liver. “administration of watermelon juice lessened liver damage from exposure to carbon tetrachloride. This toxic chemical is found in the air and industrial products, and it is known to damage the kidneys, liver, and brain,” says an article on their website. This ties back to Elson Haas–so maybe it’s time to give watermelon juice a try! (2)
Watermelon Hydration

There’s a good reason watermelons are called watermelons. That’s because they are mostly water! In fact, 92% of the makeup of a watermelon is water. There’s about 91.5 grams of water in every serving. When a lot of people find it hard to drink all their recommended servings of water, it may be easier to take it in through your food. With watermelon’s sweet taste, it’s certainly more flavorful than a regular glass of water. (1, 4)
Other Benefits

You might be surprised to learn that watermelon can actually act as a great athletic drink too! An article in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, published July 17th, 2013, examines watermelon juice in conjunction with athletes. Their conclusion? That “watermelon juices helped to reduce the recovery heart rate and muscle soreness after 24 [hours in the tested athletes].” It’s the amino acids that play a part, and as we’ve seen,
watermelon is chock-full. (5)

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