Wednesday 8 April 2020

Homemade Amish Sweet Bread Recipe with Step by Step Instructions

Homemade Amish Sweet Bread Recipe with Step by Step Instructions

If you’ve been wanting to learn some new skills in the kitchen, few things are more impressive (and honestly, easy) than presenting your family and friends with a loaf of delicious homemade bread. All it takes is a little time, a few ingredients and a pinch of love. Not to mention, this is the kind of skill that will serve you well during these changing times. Bread is a staple in many homes, and if you can make one this delicious from scratch, rest assured you’ll never find yourself bored again!

Ready to put some yummy Amish Sweet Bread in your tummy? Here’s what you’ll need.
Homemade Amish Sweet Bread Recipe Ingredients

  • 2 cups water
  • 2/3 cups sugar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons Active Dry yeast
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 5 1/2 to 6 cups all purpose flour
  • two large bowls
  • dough cutter
  • 2 bread loaf pans

How to make it

First things first, you’ll need 2 cups of 110℉ water. If you don’t have a thermometer, try this hack: Heat ½ a cup of water to boiling (microwave or stove), then add plain tap water straight from the faucet until you’re at 2 cups. Voila. Works every time.

Next, add the sugar to that water and stir.
Add the active dry yeast next, and let it sit for 10 minutes. The look of it will change, becoming bubbly and frothy. Note: Active dry yeast is… well, active. Alive. So be mindful of that and make more bread! Store the yeast in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer, and you’ll want to use all of it within 4 months time (6 if frozen).

To the frothy yeast mixture, slowly add one cup of flour, mixing it in gently, and then another. You are looking for a dough consistency that is non-sticky and easily forms a ball. It’s possible you won’t use all the flour in the recipe, it’s more important to go by feel.  

Once you’ve got the right kind of dough ball, you’ll knead it for about 5 minutes. Sprinkle your counter or butcher block with flour, and go for it, working the flour into the dough using the heels of your hands. As your work surface becomes sticky again, add more flour. You’ll know you’re done because you can “pinch an inch” of the dough and gently pull it, without it readily tearing away.

Break time! Coat a large mixing bowl with non stick spray and place the dough ball into it. Cover the bowl with a damp towel, and leave it on the counter for about an hour. It will double in size.
Once the dough has risen, use your fist to punch the middle bubble down, and gently pull the dough back from the sides of the bowl. Use your dough cutter to divide the dough evenly in half, and place them into greased loaf pans. Push the dough around so it takes the shape of the pan.
Mini break time! Let these two loaves hang out on the counter, uncovered this time, for another half hour or so. More rising will happen during this time.

Next, into the oven they go! 30 minutes in a 350℉ oven is all you need for warm, delicious, comforting Amish Sweet Bread. Enjoy!

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