Tuesday 3 March 2020

Coronavirus: Nebulizing Colloidal Silver to Help Stop the Lung Infections

Coronavirus: Nebulizing Colloidal Silver to Help Stop the Lung Infections

Would you like to learn two easy ways to put liquid colloidal silver into an aerosol form so you can inhale it into the lungs to help prevent pneumonia from a coronavirus infection?

You likely saw my recent article demonstrating that the Chinese are now using “silver fogger” machines to decontaminate hospitals and other medical facilities of the deadly coronavirus.

And you likely saw, as well, my article demonstrating from bona-fide clinical studies that silver easily kills viruses from the coronavirus family.

What’s more, if you saw my third article, “Using Colloidal Silver Against Coronavirus: Important Tools,” then you know that having a good medical nebulizer is critical for overcoming the severe lung infections this particular virus causes.

That’s because, first and foremost, the Chinese coronavirus appears to attack and infect the lungs, causing a severe form of pneumonia. Most folks recover, thankfully. But many are not.

So knowing how to protect your lungs from coronavirus infection is paramount. It could even be life-saving…

What Is a Medical Nebulizer?

Nebulizers are designed to atomize liquid medications for lung patients (i.e., asthma, COPD, etc.), turning them into an aerosol mist that can easily be inhaled directly into the lungs.

This is what asthmatics, and people with COPD and other upper respiratory conditions use to inhale their liquid medications into their lungs.

 Selling Out Across America

Unfortunately, with the advent of the Chinese coronavirus crisis, nebulizers have been selling like hotcakes around the country.

Some brands are completely sold out on various internet sites. And it appears that many companies are now requiring prescriptions to buy a nebulizer.

That’s why, toward the end of this article I’ll tell you about a “poor man’s nebulizer” that works nearly as well as a medical neublizer, but is cheaper, readily available in most stores like Walmart or Walgreen’s, and does NOT require a prescription.

But first, let’s learn what we can about using colloidal silver in a medical nebulizer, since it’s the primary way to get aerosolized colloidal silver directly into the lungs…

Nebulizing Against Pneumonia

Back in October 2001 the prestigious Health Sciences Institute pointed out that nebulizing colloidal silver directly into the lungs is one of the fastest ways of effectively eliminating serious upper respiratory infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia.

One of their well-known health symposium panelists, Dr. Victor A. Marcial-Vega, M.D., had discovered, while dealing with pneumonia patients, that colloidal silver can be quickly and easily atomized into a fine mist and inhaled into the lungs using a device called a nebulizer.

The silver is then easily carried into the human bloodstream and from there directly into the body’s cells and tissues.

The apparent result was rapid and highly effective remission of pneumonia symptoms, as the tiny silver particles in the colloidal silver killed the infectious agents causing the pneumonia.

Animal Study:

Miraculous Protection Against Pneumonia

What’s more, a clinical study on animals was conducted several years ago in which – much to the surprise of the researchers – inhalation of silver nanoparticles provided miraculous protection against pneumonia infection.

In fact, in the above-linked article on this study, titled “Inhalation of Silver Nanoparticles Results in ‘Miraculous’ Protection Against Pneumonia,” it was reported that mice purposely infected with pneumonia pathogens easily survived the infection when they were allowed to inhale silver nanoparticles once per day, whereas mice with the same infection but which were not allowed to inhale silver nanoparticles all died.

While this is one of the very few clinical studies to date conducted on inhaling aerosolized colloidal silver, it does seem to offer profound hope that a safe, natural way has been discovered to help staunch the devastating effects of serious upper respiratory and lung infections, such as viral and bacterial pneumonia.

Nebulizing: the Short Course

As I mentioned, the process of “nebulizing” liquid medications is chiefly used by asthmatics and other lung patients who need to get their medications deep into the lungs as rapidly as possible during the course of an asthma attack, or to help prevent one from taking place.

But a nebulizer can also be used with other liquid medications, as well as natural liquid substances such as certain liquid homeopathic remedies, or even colloidal silver.

Here’s how it works: A liquid medication is poured into a small basin or water well that’s generally located in the neck of a device called an ultrasonic nebulizer.

 When the nebulizer is started, the liquid in the basin is aerosolized into a super-fine mist. And depending upon which type of nebulizer you own, the mist gently emits through a small mouthpiece, or through a mask that goes over the face.

As the fine atomized mist comes out of the mouthpiece, or the mask, it can then be easily inhaled directly into the lungs. And from the lungs the body can efficiently and effectively distribute the medication straight into the bloodstream, cells and tissues.

Here’s what the Health Sciences Institute told their members about nebulizing colloidal silver back in 2001. (This was directly after the 9-11 attacks on New York City and Washington D.C., and subsequent anthrax mailings; hence the references to anthrax):

“Just in his last decade of medical practice, Dr. Marcial-Vega has treated hundreds of people with a variety of viral, fungal, and bacterial pneumonias. And of all the available treatments, he has seen the greatest success with nebulizer treatments using a colloidal silver preparation.

Silver has long been known for its anti-bacterial properties, and the nebulizer allows the mineral to reach the lungs and kill harmful bacteria. Now, in the face of the anthrax threat, he believes it can do the same thing with anthrax spores.

‘We are constantly filtering all kinds of bacteria through our lungs,’ explained Dr. Marcial-Vega. Normally, a healthy body is able to kill off any dangerous bacteria on its own. But in the case of illness, like pneumonia, or an especially lethal bacteria like anthrax, the body may need some extra help.

Dr. Marcial-Vega says there are no concerns about using this treatment because colloidal silver has no toxicity and no side effects.

He has used the colloidal silver nebulizer treatments on infants, the elderly, and AIDS patients with pneumonia and has seen great results. All have responded quickly to the treatment even when no other approach seemed to help, and no one reported any adverse reactions.”

Dr. Marcial-Vega further explains how he recommends his patients use colloidal silver in a nebulizer:

“Nebulization– Excellent for respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

Put 15 cc (three teaspoons) in the included receptacle, turn on the machine and breathe deeply and slowly for approximately 15 minutes or until all the liquid is gone. Repeat three times a day for colds, pneumonias, bronchitis and sinusitis.

If it makes you cough too much, add 20-30 grains of sea salt to the liquid just before nebulizing and shake.

This is a natural antibiotic that contains water and silver in a colloidal suspension. It is effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi.”

– Dr. Victor Marcial-Vega, M.D., former Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Miami School of Medicine from 1990 to 1994.

Unfortunately, Dr. Marcial-Vega doesn’t state on his web site the specific concentration of colloidal silver he uses when nebulizing colloidal silver.

But from what I’ve read on the internet, most people who nebulize colloidal silver are using between 5 ppm and 10 ppm, with some daring souls going as high as 20 ppm.

My Own Nebulizer Usage

When I nebulize, I use only 5 to 10 ppm colloidal silver made with a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from TheSilveredge.com.

I generally nebulize colloidal silver when I have an upper respiratory infection that feels like it’s about to get out-of-control, or when I feel unusually congested, which is rare.

Sometimes, however, when a nasty virus is going around, I’ll nebulizer colloidal silver the moment I feel even the first hint of an upper respiratory infection coming on, as a means of nipping it in the bud. In such a case, I rarely need to nebulizer more than once or twice in a single day.

But when I’m already flat out sick with an upper respiratory infection, I prefer to nebulize colloidal silver for three to five minutes at a time, three or four times a day. I might do that for a week, if necessary. Then I’m done. I may not nebulize again for several months or even several years if I don’t have any upper respiratory issues to deal with.

Now that’s just me. I’m not “prescribing” anything here. I’m just reporting what I do. You have to make your own decisions and take personal responsibility for them.

Other people nebulize colloidal silver much more frequently than I ever would, and far longer per session (see Dr. Marciel-Vega’s instructions for nebulizing silver, above), and to date I haven’t heard of anyone having any negative consequences.

It’s important to note, however, that nebulizing colloidal silver too much, for too long, can potentially cause lung damage through overuse.

Brands of Nebulizers

As for brands of nebulizers, Omron is considered one of the very best brands.

I own two Omron compare XLTs (model NE-C25); one for home and one for office. And I own one Omron MicroAir (model NE-U22V) for travel. But your needs may differ.

As of this writing, Omron brand nebulizers were completely sold-out on Amazon. But quite a few were still being sold on eBay. 

Using Colloidal Silver in a Cool Mist Vaporizer Instead of a Nebulizer

I promised earlier that I’d tell you about a simple and relatively inexpensive device you can use in place of a medical nebulizer if they become too difficult to obtain.

It’s called a “Cool Mist Vaporizer” or “Cool Mist Humidifier.”

These devices can easily be obtained at so-called “Big Box” stores like Walmart, Walgreen’s, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and many others, and then used as a “poor man’s nebulizer.”

No prescription is necessary to buy one. And they’re also available online at Amazon and Walmart.com, as well as through many other online resources.

The main difference between a medical nebulizer and a cool mist vaporizer is that the nebulizer is specifically designed for aerating small amounts of liquid medications directly into the lungs. Therefore, it has a very tiny basin for holding the liquid, generally holding less than one ounce.

A cool mist vaporizer, on the other hand, is designed specifically for humidifying entire rooms for hours at a time, putting added moisture into the air so sick people can breathe easier.

Because of this, it has a much larger basin, often holding anywhere from a quart of water to a gallon, depending upon the brand.

As you can see from the photo of a cool mist vaporizer above, it works very much like a nebulizer in that it sonicates the water in the basin, creating a fairly strong aerosol “cool mist” that comes out of the nozzle at the top of the machine and can completely humidify a room in a few hours.

By filling the water basin with colloidal silver instead of water, and breathing the cool mist coming out of the nozzle directly into your lungs, you can get the same effect as a medical nebulizer, i.e., the aerosolized colloidal silver will go straight to your lungs, and from there into your bloodstream for distribution throughout your body.

(Pro Tip: One should never use a hot mist steam vaporizer or humidifier for aerosolizing colloidal silver into the lungs. That’s because the steam vaporizers would not only heat the water, but also the tiny, submicroscopic silver particles as well. And you definitely don’t want piping hot silver particles settling onto the soft tissues of your lungs and burning them. So only a cool mist vaporizer, rather than a steam (hot mist) vaporizer, should be used in place of a nebulizer. And that, only in emergencies when inhalation is called for, but a medical nebulizer is not available.)

Plus, you can use your cool mist vaporizer as a means of spreading aerosolized colloidal silver throughout any room in your home, to help disinfect your entire home of any viruses that might be in the air or on touch surfaces such as door knobs, counter tops, etc.

You can’t do that with a medical nebulizer, because it doesn’t create nearly enough aerosolized mist compared to a cool mist vaporizer. A medical nebulizer is designed to generate just enough aerosolized mist to treat the lungs.

But with a cool mist vaporizer, you can do both, i.e., make aerosolized colloidal silver vapor that can be inhaled directly into the lungs, or that can be used to cover an entire room for purposes of disinfecting the room from viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

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