Friday 17 January 2020

Engineers Create A Breathable And Waterproof Cast To Replace Plaster Ones

Engineers Create A Breathable And Waterproof Cast To Replace Plaster Ones

If you’ve ever broken a bone, you know all to well what it’s like being stuck with a plaster cast.

A couple years ago I fell off my horse and broke my right wrist, as a writer, you can imagine how horrible that was for me – if only this awesome invention was around then!

These awesome engineering folk based in Chicago have come up with what I think is a rather revolutionary waterproof cast design.


If you’ve ever broken a bone, you know all to well what it’s like being stuck with a plaster cast.

A couple years ago I fell off my horse and broke my right wrist, as a writer, you can imagine how horrible that was for me – if only this awesome invention was around then!


These awesome engineering folk based in Chicago have come up with what I think is a rather revolutionary waterproof cast design.

Jason Troutner, biomedical design engineer Ashley Moy, and electrical engineer Justin Brooks, all from the University of Illinois began the startup is called Cast21 and after exploring all issues and problems with traditional plaster casts, they created a new one, it’s more hygienic, it’s waterproof and breathable and takes only 10 minutes to fit because it’s a liquid resin which hardens and then sets the bone in place.

Cast21’s vice president of engineering Veronica Hogg  says “We have this radical notion that you can enjoy your healing experience. You don’t need to be restrained from daily activities.

Another bonus is that no electricity or water is needed to apply our cast, so it’s very portable. It has potential for use in the military and for at-home first aid”

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