Wednesday 4 September 2019

Does Colloidal Silver Helps Tame Diverticulitis

Does Colloidal Silver Helps Tame Diverticulitis  

I haven’t seen any clinical literature at all on using colloidal silver for diverticulitis, though there are lots of anecdotal accounts (some of which we’ll examine in a moment), and there have been successful laboratory “test tube” studies demonstrating nanosilver to be effective against the pathogens most frequently involved in diverticulitis.
So yes, colloidal silver has indeed been demonstrated in lab studies to kill both gram- positive and gram-negative bacteria, such as those involved in diverticulitis. And subsequent studies have borne this out (see here, here and here).
Testimonials: Colloidal Silver and Diverticulitis
One testimonial from the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community on Facebook stated:
“Silver is a ‘miracle’ cure…healed my diverticulitis with NO other antibiotics…have also used it for food poisoning, colds, sore throat, cuts after shaving, earaches, Brown recluse spider bites – that and raw honey! And so much more.”
Another lady responded:
“I’m using it for diverticulitus also with good results. My dogs & cats drink it daily, & the wild opossum!”
And the original respondent wrote back:
“With the diverticulitis I also did a drink 2 times a day with favorite organic fruit juice: 1/4-1/3 cup aloe vera juice and powder slippery elm. I had to go on a 10 day (supposed to do 2 wks) clear liquid only diet first, doing at least 1/2 cup of silver daily…. I’ve learned to make our own now cuz I was buying near gallon. Yes our dogs get it too!!”

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